Yesterday my kids finally wore out my rechargeable AA batteries (the ones designated for the camera) so I was able to snap some photos today. Since the only photos I have of Bam are of his butt, I stalked him this morning. I can't say he really cooperated. He likes to eat, so his head is usually down. He likes to stand in holes, so his top line doesn't look as good as it is. And between these two activities he quickly walks to the next bit of uneven grassy terrain. I think I caught him a couple of times in relatively flattering poses.
Bam is for sale as a flock sire. He is available for $200 registered or $150 unregistered. I am not offering him with a horn guarantee simply because my flock is very small and I cannot promise I would have a ram lamb to replace him if his horns turned fatal. Bam's sire has VERY wide horns, though. And his dam and grand dam have excellent horn genetics as well. I expect Bam's horns to be good horns. Our flock has never had foot rot. Bam will have his first CD & T shot when he turns 8 weeks old. He can also be dewormed with chemical wormer before he leaves the farm if the buyer chooses. (We use de and herbs to deworm our flock as needed.)
This is a snapshot of Bam behind his black iset dam, Boston Lake Delyth. He is 44 days old today, so just a tad over 6 weeks. Even though there is a little distance between the two sheep, the photo accurately reflects Bam's size beside his dam. He isn't far behind her in size. And he is solid.
This photo just shows him from the side. His back lit tail is obviously quite short and correct. Clancy and I think Bam has a very masculine look about him too. He is nicely balanced front to back: he has nice shoulder and hindquarters.