...my Grandma Jensen used to say that word with an exclamation point.
Fiddlesticks! was widely employed with her. She might say it if she dropped a stitch on her needles, or stubbed her toe. She also contradicted people with it. When she disagreed with something it was
Fiddlesticks! The exclamation point counted even if she said the word under her breath.
Anything preposterous met with a
Fiddlesticks! Other people's opinions might be considered preposterous.
Once Grandma said
Fiddlesticks! she had decided with finality. I never knew my Gram to be out of touch with her own sentiments. Sometimes she would enjoy a good debate, but if it started or ended with
Fiddlesticks! you knew you hadn't changed her mind about a thing.

I'm looking down the barrel of a
Fiddlesticks! week. Absolutely all of it is preposterous: The schedule, the expectations, the finances... Absolutely none of it is within my control.
Fiddlesticks! I'd better make the best of it.
Featured Sheep: The Flock (well most of it) & Rai Min's Backside behind the deep snow on the roof of one of the sheep shelters.