My new Rocky Sheep Coats came in the mail yesterday. January is the only one I have coated so far. She is wearing a size C. I measured the sheep in full fleece, then went down two sizes to arrive at their "shorn" size.
I ordered many coats that are just too small-unless I want to coat a lamb. So I will be sending quite a few back to trade in for the right sizes. But before I do that, I'm going to outfit all the sheep NOW in their full fleeces so I know exactly how big they really are capable of getting next year.
You have a BRED ewe in a C? Wow, my smallest yearling (unbred) is in that size!
The first time I ordered Rocky Sheep Suits I did the same thing (mostly too small), even though I followed his instructions for measuring. I still need more in size E; most of my shorn sheep outgrow the Ds very quickly - and Dinah wears an E after shearing!
January is a bred "ewe lamb" so she is not terribly big. But still, I ordered so many A's and B's. (sigh)
Clancy's mill broke down today, but I think tomorrow, rain or shine, I'm going to get him out there to help me put coats on the biggest sheep (Anna Belle & Courante). Anna is as big as a whale with lambs, and she's in full fleece. She and Courante should give me my "top end" numbers.
I have 6 C's on hand, 5 D's, and only 1 E. I'm thinking I will need many more E's and even an F or G for Anna or Courante.
Have you ever used a G?
Yes, I have a couple of Gs, but only used one on my ram in full fleece. If my ewes were PG AND in full fleece, I think Dinah would be wearing a G....
So Bombarde finally went to the processor. He was a lucky ram to have lived a good life and sire plenty of lambs. I'm sure you'll get plenty of meat from him too. Our sheep coats have only been used after shearing if it's really cold out.
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