Monday, June 25, 2007

I guess that's just who I am

The other day the answering machine picked up before I did and recorded my conversation for about five minutes. Just happened to play it back in my attempt to delete that really how I sound?!?!? Whoa!
So I called my sister immediately...."I sound like a 10 year old version of the Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show!"
"Yep." No hesitation whatsoever on her part. But I could see her brow furrow over the phone as she wondered how in the world I had missed this fact for the better part of 3 decades.
I do remember my first weeks in college out in Portland, OR. My dormies asked me to say where I was from over and over again. Then they would laugh way too hard for my comfort level. Apparently they had never heard anyone say "Minnesota" before.
Funny thing about growing up right next to both sets of grandparents, and living in the same house for thirty-some years before you move a whole half mile end up sounding just like the place.


shepherdchik said...

I love that picture, I wish it was bigger - I'd steal it for a screen saver! Very nice blog.

Sabrina Wille Erickson said...

Thanks! That photo is of Finna. It was taken last year with a 3 pixel camera. Any bigger and it is all blur. But I'm glad you like it. :)