Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Since Pooja died this spring I have been looking for a replacement LGD.  Shachah is older (8) and it was obvious that he really appreciated having a partner LGD to work with.

Enter Lleulu (lulu).
She will be coming home to Boston Lake next week. 
She has been receiving excellent love and training at her birth farm in Iowa called
Check out their website for all types of poultry breeds.  Kristin at TCH even has some Shetland Ducks!

This will be my first experience training an LGD.  I am sincerely hoping Shachah will help me out a bit.  And since I am not breeding the ewes for next spring, Lleulu won't encounter lambs until she is about two years old.  One LGD breeder told me that could be a good thing since Lu will probably be past her 'chew-small-animals' stage then.  Rest assured, I am doing tons of reading and preparation for this new little girl.  She comes from a long line of guardian dogs.  If she fulfills her potential she will bring a lot of peace of mind to both me and Shachah.  I know he can handle a great deal.  But we have some heavy predators around here, such as bear, puma, and timber wolf.  Just this week a neighbor had a mature black bear by his back door that came toward him when he yelled.  People like to feed the bears out of their cars at the dumps around here.  Perhaps it was expecting a treat.  Regardless of the reason for this bear's behavior, I feel better having a team of LGD's at my farm.  We see predators like this every few weeks, year-round.  I don't mind if they are out in the woods, but I don't really want them in my yard.

Little Lleulu has some big (Pooja) shoes to fill.  And I know it will take her a couple of years to develope her skills.  Her breeder tells me she is the pick of the litter, though....very smart!  I feel so privileged to be getting her.
Thank you, Kristin, for raising such a fine pup! 

1 comment:

Kelly said...

How wonderful for you and Pooja. We got an 8 week old Maremma in early spring and she is in my least favorite stage of puppiness right now, has her mouth on everything. Our current LGD, John, is so fed up with her that instead of scolding her, he simply leaves the sheep lot during the heat of the day. lol
She does show signs of greatness, so I have no problem waiting.