Saturday, July 18, 2020

Shetlands Return to Boston Lake

There are sheep again at Boston Lake Farm!
Introducing my flock of Fine Fleeced Shetland Sheep from Kelly & Mike Bartels' farm,
OK Acres
, in Monroe, Wisconsin.
Thank you, Kelly, for selecting this breeding group just for me from your outstanding flock.
Thank you, Clancy, for rigging up such a functional sheep hauler and driving to Wisconsin and back.
Thank you to our son, Asa, for dog sitting the puppers while we were gone.
I'm so happy to be a shepherd again.
OK Acres Mango.  He leads so nicely!
The ewes in the front yard.


Michelle said...

THIS is why I drag my feet on deleting long-quiet blogs from my blogroll – SOMEtimes they get resurrected! Sabrina, I was SO tickled to see a new post from you, and to see that you have fine-fleeced Shetlands again! Hooray!

Sabrina Wille Erickson said...

Thank you for the welcome! So glad to be back!