Monday, July 5, 2010


We changed coats on the two mature rams last night. The mosquitoes were terrible so we didn't linger to look at fleece too much. I just snapped a quick photo and then we put the bigger coats on. I was glad to see that both boys are in good condition. And their fleeces are looking very nice.
S'more Courante was not pleased about being handled. He was struggling a bit so his stance is all messed up for the picture.
LRO Ash loved every minute of his handling. He stretched himself out to take full advantage of it all. He didn't mind me picking up his legs and shoving them through the different from the ewes. My tamest ewe will still kick and turn inside out to avoid the coats. Ash behaved as though he was getting a personal massage. He'd be in our laps if we weren't careful to avoid spoiling him.
I'm really looking forward to using these two boys. Spring 2011 is going to be exciting around here. :)


Nancy K. said...

Beautiful color on those boys!

Jerry said...

Nice ram lambs!! I too am waiting for lambing 2011.