Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lambing Summary

Here are the stats for the 2011 lambing season.
Rams underlined.  Ewes in bold.  Lamb names in italics.

Little Red Oak Ash
BL Leil:   Tucker (single gray krunet ram)
BL Sian:   Francesca (twin moorit ewe), Jane (twin black ewe)
BL Vianne:   Glisten (single black kat ewe) DECEASED
River Oaks Lana:   Penelope (single black ewe)

S'more Courante
Little Red Oak January:   Sextant (single black kat ram)
BL Nhu:   Gwilym (twin black kat ram), Ian (twin moorit blesset kat ram)
River Oaks Hannah:   Justina (twin black ewe), Trans Am (twin blesset, smirslet, sokket black kat ram)
BL Lyneth:  remained open

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