Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Guess What's New?

If you guessed fur of the canine variety...you are right!

Two more Great Pyrenees came to live with us on Saturday.  They came from Tim and Kim's alpaca farm down in LeSeuer, MN.  A female, Fuji  front, and her neutered litter mate, Bannon  back.  They are 4.5 years old and have been guarding alpacas for the greater portion of their lives.  My goal is to have them adjust to guarding Shetland sheep and learn to love living here on Boston Lake.

But first I have to get them past the stress of moving to a new farm.  I also need to finish grooming Bannon's backside.  As you can see, Fuji has already been trimmed. She looks like a white lion now!  Then Shachah has to accept them.  He doesn't seem to mind the fixed male at all.  He won't let the female come near the house though, unless she is on the leash with us.  All Shachah does is bark to keep her just beyond the car park area.  He doesn't seem to mind if she wanders all around the rest of the farm.  So the aggression isn't very intense.  I am hoping that more time...and getting Fuji spayed...will help.

For now we are rotating the new dogs through the kennel, on the assumption that they are so bonded that they will not leave the other one behind.  This has been working...with the exception of Bannon following Clancy to the mill yard this morning. (about a mile away)  I had to walk him home from the mill.  So tomorrow morning, Bannon will have to be in the kennel when Clancy drives away.  We learned early on that they will not stay in electronet.  Dang! that worked so well for Shachah when he first came here.

I admit, introducing adult dogs is more difficult than introducing puppies to adult dogs.  And introducing very instinctual working/guardian/territorial breeds is harder still.  I am trying my best to rise to this occasion.


Kelly said...

They are lovely Sabrina, congrats on your new family members. I have 2 Maremma's and I love them, the coyotes don't even "sing" along the fence line any longer.

Becky Utecht said...

Congrats on your two new LGDs Sabrina and best of luck with them! I still miss Shachah.

Sabrina Wille Erickson said...

He just gets more loveable every day, Becky. He's being so good with these new ones. Last night we let Bannon off leash and he took off to explore. About a half hour later he came loping across the field and Shachah, Meg and Greta charged him. But once they saw it was him they all backed off, sniffed each other and trotted back to the yard together. I think it will all work out well with more time. :)

Karen said...

Congrats on your new dogs! Thanks for sharing their picture, they really look wonderful.

Lori Jean said...

Having met the two new dogs, I can say that already Sabrina, you have done wonders in giving them what they need in all areas. I am thrilled that you have been blessed with them, they will as you know, be a blessing in return. looking forward to visiting with them (and YOU!) again soon!

Lori Jean said...

loved meeting the new residents of your farm. As always, i get a huge smile and feeling like a warm blanket being wrapped around my shoulders when i drive up and see the sun painted on your house and all the woods etc. Love it!