Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Heidi Snuggles

My random, quiet, calm visits to the ewe pen have paid off.  The ewes no longer jump up and run when they see me coming.  They are starting to associate me with "tasty snacks."

This evening I walked straight out to the girls as they grazed, sat on my stool, and shook a dish of oatmeal. (About a quarter cup in total)  Heidi came running with the rest close behind and all five girls tried to shove their noses in the dish.  While the chaos ensued I simply reached in and caught Heidi.  She made a few attempts at bolting but I was rubbing her chest and ears and she settled down.  The ewes wandered off and I gently restrained Heidi a bit longer.  As she relaxed I released my hold until she was standing freely while I was petting her.  Then she walked away and I left the pasture.

It may take a few more sessions.  But I've had success befriending lambs in the past with this method.  I'm hoping it works again.

Mirta & Heidi


Michelle said...

Yep, that's what I do – catch and gently restrain while petting and scritching, finding just the right spot to make them go, "Oh, this is NICE!" I don't use the food treat, just the scratching and rubbing, because I don't like the pushing and jostling they do for food.

Sabrina Wille Erickson said...

Hi Michelle!
So good to hear from you again. :)