Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Slightly Curious

I was empty handed tonight when I visited the ewe pen. 

Mirta came right up, sniffed me from arm's length, determined that I was not carrying treats, and dismissed me. I'm learning she is a no-nonsense, forward kind of ewe that is willing to take calculated risks.

Mirta and Amber, the moorit and black katmogets, are usually the first two sheep to approach.

However, it was Holly, that approached next.  She was shy but came in much closer than I had expected.  All on her own.  I think if I continued to bring treats I could make some progress with her.


After Holly departed, Leda took her turn at coming in for a closer look.  Of all the ewes, I consider her the most "skittish."  This is the first time I've actually seen her show any interest or curiosity in me.  Until tonight, she has behaved as if I don't exist, unless there is a significant treat barrier between us.  I'm encouraged that she is looking toward me with expectation.


I'm content with this evening's progress.

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