In short, Garrett picked up my new ram lamb, S'more Courante, from Tori Gygi at the Jefferson show. And just this Sunday I was able to get down to Perham to pick him up. Oh! is he ever beautiful. Just as gorgeous and solid as I was hoping for. Thank you, Tori! Gail and I had also arranged to trade a ewe lamb and a ram, each. We met in a parking lot in Long Prairie for the exchange. Thank heavens a very sweet couple offered to help us with the switcheroo! We now know that it takes at least 4 people to switch 4 sheep around in a parking lot. I'm sure we would have managed...but I'm GLAD we didn't have to. :) Gail and Emily, I just love the way Ash and January look out there in my pens. What a bonus to my fledgling polled program to have two such lambs! I actually stopped in at Garrett's after meeting up with Gail. Lovely, lovely fleeces and sheep! And terrific conversation, as usual! And I got to feed the corgi clan my organic carrots. I just adore those little dogs!
Made it back home in the pouring rain by 10:30pm and just left the sheep in the hauler; it's nice and big. This morning Clancy and I unloaded the new sheep and then off to work. All was well by the time I got home again. But I can't wait for a slice of nice weather and time to go sit with them and get acquainted with them. They are really nice sheep!
Made it back home in the pouring rain by 10:30pm and just left the sheep in the hauler; it's nice and big. This morning Clancy and I unloaded the new sheep and then off to work. All was well by the time I got home again. But I can't wait for a slice of nice weather and time to go sit with them and get acquainted with them. They are really nice sheep!