All the ram lambs, except for Trans Am, are 6 weeks old today. So I took photos of them to record their horn growth.
Above is Gwilym (twin Courante x Nhu). He has the biggest scurs so far with these little wiggly points. His face looks exactly like his sire. His twin, Ian, is in the background.
Ian (Courante x Nhu) ties for the least horn growth. You can't see any horn material unless you look straight down at the poll.
Tucker (Ash x Leil) is the other ram without any real scur growth.
Sextant (Courante x January) is the biggest lamb of the year. He is so aloof I rarely get a photo of him. This pic is more of a "place holder." From what I can see, Sextant has a little more horn material than Ian and Tucker, but his scurs are not as long or pointy as Gwilym's.
Trans Am (twin Courante x Hannah) is only 4.5 weeks old today. He has the most horn material of all the ram lambs. His horns are still substantially less than a full horned ram's would be...but I have no idea what his scurs are going to look like.